Monday, April 20, 2015



I chose to attempt a 48 hour technology fast while celebrating my 9th anniversary with my wife in Las Vegas.

In order to set the proper mood for this endeavor, I booked a two night stay at the Golden Nugget Casino. The Golden Nugget was built in 1946, definitely in the pre-digital era. 

Upon arriving, we went to the check in desk. In order to follow the spirit of the fast, I pre-printed all check in documentation so that use of my smartphone was not needed. 

As for activities in Vegas, our plan was to do as little as possible. After unpacking and getting settled in, I reached for my phone, picked it up and remembered that it was in airplane mode. This was my first realization that the next 48 hours was going to be a definite change. 

Throughout our time in Las Vegas not only was I technology free, but my wife's phone would not connect to WiFi nor cell data. So essentially we were both without the convenience of technology. The time we spent together felt more carefree and we were more connected to one another. 

Normally when in Vegas we travel to new restaurants and look for new places to discover. This trip was markedly different, our vehicle did not move from where we parked it when we arrived, until we left for home. Because of this we spent quite a bit of time walking from place to place, and enjoying the sights and sounds around us.

Our disconnect from the digital world helped to spur important conversations. In these conversations we set goals to limit our family screen time at home. 

In all, this 48 hour time period was a great learning experience, and a benefit to the whole family. 

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