Sunday, January 25, 2015

The Medium is the "Mass-age"

I did  not intend to jump down the rabbit hole when studying the sayings and content of Marshal McLuhan. Nevertheless I write to you from a subterranean bunker while monitoring my attempt at electric 
re-tribalization via Facebook.

I continue to puzzle over the meaning of “The Medium is the Message”, what I have translated thus far is the idea that we are surrounded by the medium. And because the medium is ubiquitous, the message by the same token is also an all-encompassing one. This creates a form of circular reasoning that is impossible to reconcile with a single perspective.

With a topic that is so simplistic, yet confounding we are required to recognize that the new mediums of technology are bringing us ever closer to the singularity of medium and message. I don’t attest to understand the underpinnings of the way technology forces us to take notice of and implement the use of these mediums in order to effectively deliver our intended message. What I do understand is that without the recognition that the medium and message are intricately intertwined, we are at a great disadvantage as communication professionals

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